Tuesday, January 27, 2009

request to lead a voyage to the uknown

i am an austront and they have aferd me 1 million dollers to go and find a place to the unknow . i think that i wouldnt go because i think that i would not able to see my daughter and family friends again. so i would not go just because i dont know what is out there and what type of equitment we are going to need. i dont think that 1 thousand dollars would get me to go just so that there is a chance that i would die cause we all have to remmber that we dont know what is out there.

how did the new exploration change us today.

Everything happened when the spanish went to the new world. The spanish started to bring in diffrent types of things and trading, but some of the stuff was for the good and some of the stuff bad. It changed for the good because alot of type of food was invinted that was neutritious people were healthier. Also they all brought animals like horses cows and chickens wicth all gave food. on the other side it was bad for the natives because the cows some times carried diseases and they would drink the milk and get sick of it. and the spanish also had diseases. and if the natives got close to some one with those diseases they would catch it to and they would die.
and another bad thing that happened would be the slavery if the spanish would have felt higher or ever owuld have gone to the new world slavery would have not have happened. But it happened for the good because now there cant be any rasitum and we have a black president and we all have alot of good food.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


civilized is a word that every one would like to be i would like i think that i am pretty civilized.
and some one that is civilized is someone that is polite has manner and is sofisticated.
The people that are civilized are always the ones that are always wanted to be around them.
the civilized to me are smart to atleast that is what i think. So that is what i conceder some one that is civilized.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

do i agree with the famous saying carpe diem?

I realy do agree with the famous saying carpe diem. To me everyday is a diffrent day so I just forget about the past and try not to worry about the future. I think that the more that I plan what I am going to do tommorow or further on in the past it is going to mess me up. so I just do what I have to do every diffrent day and keep my head up.And if I have made mistakes in the past and I remmember about it offten that is always makes me feel bad or if someone did something to me in the past i just forget about it and ignore it. I really bealieve that we should all just go by day day focus on that day only and forget about the past and just wait for the future.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Importance of Religions

Why do you think religions exist?
I think that religion exists because everything started with god and we should all have something to believe in not just god. Most of the people in the world believe in different religions like some Japanese believe in a chubby dude with a big stomach,Christian's just believe in god,catholics just believe in all types of saint like jesus's mom ect..If religion wouldn't exist the world wouldn't have anything to believe in.So to most of the people and me religion is important.